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Planning For All Facets Of Your Financial Life.


Houlihan Financial Resource Group, Ltd. is an independent, fee only, financial planning firm founded on the belief that the client’s interest always comes first. We serve families, small business owners, and other professionals throughout the greater Washington D.C. area (Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia) and throughout the country. 

We believe in the Fiduciary Oath that The Committee for The Fiduciary Standard has drafted. It is straight forward and simple, and puts us on the same side of the table as you. 

The Fiduciary Oath:

  • Put the client’s best interests first
  • Act with prudence, that is, with the skill, care, diligence and good judgment of a professional
  • Do not mislead clients--provide conspicuous, full and fair disclosure of all important facts
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
  • Fully disclose and fairly manage, in the client’s favor, unavoidable conflicts


Our success depends on you being successful in meeting your goals; it is not based simply on the rate of return of the portfolio from one quarter to the next quarter. We provide value to you by being involved in all financial decisions that affect your lives. 

It is essential to provide investment education to help manage your expectations. We use an educational approach to provide information about our philosophy and style of management.

We believe that when you are proactive in looking at your future, it presents many more options for realizing your future goals and objectives. At the end of the day, that’s our service...helping you to realize your goals.

Our Team Of Advisors Is Dedicated To Your Future



The most important part of what makes our firm successful is the people on our team. We are committed to providing the best service and value to help you live a richer and more enjoyable life.

The entire team takes ownership in what the firm does. When we want to create a better process, we do it together; working together to give you the best experience possible. 

We never want to take you for granted. We always ask questions, such as:

  • “Would I value that service?”
  • “Would I want to work with us?”
  • “Would I be willing to pay that price for that service?”

When you treat people the way you would want to be treated, that is always a winning combination! 

Please review the Houlihan Financial Form CRS relationship summary here. 20230324 FINAL HFRG Part 3 Form CRS.pdf


Patricia P. Houlihan, CFP® Photo

Patricia P. Houlihan, CFP®

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Patricia P. Houlihan, CFP®, is President and CEO, Houlihan Financial Resource Group, Ltd. She has been in the field of corporate and personal financial planning and asset management since 1983. Prior to entering the financial planning profession, she was a mathematics teacher with Fairfax County Public Schools. Ms. Houlihan currently serves as Chair of The Committee for the Fiduciary Standard. She served as Chair of CFP Board, the International CFP Council and Board of Practice Standards. She was a member of the TIAA-CREF Institute Financial Advisor Advisory Board and a member of ASEC’s Policy Board. Ms. Houlihan is a past member of the advisory board for the Journal of Retirement Planning and the editorial board for Asia Financial Planning Journal. She was an adjunct professor at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and co-author of the Dalton CFP® Examination Review Case Exam Book.

Ms. Houlihan is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an Investment Advisor Representative through Houlihan Financial Resource Group, Ltd., Registered Investment Advisor. She received The Lifetime Achievement Award by the FPA National Capital Area. She has been recognized by Investment News as a major contributor to the future of the financial service industry. Ms. Houlihan was selected by Worth Magazine, Mutual Funds Magazine, Washingtonian Magazine and Northern Virginia Magazine as one of the top financial planners. She was recognized by Bloomberg Wealth Manager Magazine as one of America’s Top Wealth Managers and as one of the 50 Distinguished Women in Wealth Management. She was national winner of the 1987 Registry Case Study Competition held by The Registry of Financial Planning Practitioners.

Ms. Houlihan served as a panelist for May 2002 SEC Investor Summit and was selected by President Bush and Congress as a Delegate to 2002 National Summit on Retirement Savings. She assisted in the development and presentation of the weekly television series entitled The Washington Forum on Financial Planning. She hosted the PBS series, The Financial Advisors. She has also written and narrated a financial planning video for The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.

Ryan P. Houlihan, CFA  Photo

Ryan P. Houlihan, CFA

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Ryan received his BBA with concentration in both Finance and Marketing with Honors from James Madison University in 2000 and was also inducted as a member of the Golden Key National Honor Society.  Ryan is a holder of the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation and is a member of CFA Institute as well as CFA Society of Washington, DC. Ryan also serves as Chief Investment Officer, Portfolio Manager and a member of the Investment Committee. In his free time he enjoys coaching little league baseball, golfing, fishing and most things outdoors. Ryan resides in Loudoun County with his wife Melissa, daughter Keelin, and son Finley. 

Carlton L. Fitch, CFP® Photo

Carlton L. Fitch, CFP®

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Carlton received his BA from Miami (Ohio) University, his MBA at Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Management and a Certificate in Financial Planning at Georgetown University.  Carlton  is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an Investment Advisor Representative. His primary responsibilities include portfolio management, financial planning, equity and fixed income research, and performing cash flow projections and analysis. Carlton serves as a member of the Investment Committee. Carlton enjoys spending time in the outdoors, especially fly fishing in the Shenandoah National Park.  Carlton resides in Purcellville, VA with his wife and four children.

Rebecca L. Fick Photo

Rebecca L. Fick

Office Manager
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Becca is the Houlihan Financial Office Manager, supporting our office's flow and cohesiveness in order to facilitate our company's growth. Becca has held multiple roles in the banking industry, including customer service, sales and branch management. She enjoys building relationships with clients and providing exceptional service. Originally from Oklahoma, Becca and her husband, Jeff, live in Loudoun County with their 3 daughters.

We Put The Pieces Together To Solve Your Financial Puzzle



As we work together and form a strategy to help you best meet your goals, we only make recommendations and take actions that are in your best interest. We listen in order to learn about your most important relationships, goals, fears, challenges and aspirations.

We are committed to excellence in:

  • Service. We analyze and evaluate your current financial status.
  • Forming long-term relationships. We listen to your objectives and help you define your goals.
  • Doing What We Say We Will Do. We provide the means and assistance to properly implement our recommendations.
  • Comprehensive Financial Planning. We create a personal financial plan based on your goals.


It is important for all of your advisors to work together to help you achieve your goals. We integrate the comprehensive wealth planning and investment advice we give with all other areas of your life, whether that be estate planning, tax preparation or philanthropy

We serve as the point person for the various professional advisors that surround you, ranging from lawyers to accountants to insurance professionals. We speak the language that makes those relationships work well together in a coordinated fashion for your best interest.



Financial Planning is the foundation of our relationship.  It is the basis for making thoughtful decisions about options throughout your life.  First, we get to know you and your family. We begin by reviewing all of your financial data , such as tax returns, investments, retirement goals, estate documents and insurance needs.  We prepare cash flow models encompassing various scenarios that capture future goals and objectives. We manage to these goals with an understanding of your risk level, your time frame and your liquidity needs. We continue to update and review your progress and make changes as necessary. Financial Planning is an ongoing process and critical in providing quality service to you.



Our Philosophy: "Participate on the Upside of Markets & Protect on the Downside" 

Our wealth management philosophy is not based upon beating index returns over the short run but around achieving your unique goals in the long run. Portfolio construction is built around this philosophy and the foundation is based on your personal risk tolerance and return requirements to achieve your financial goals while taking into account your time horizon(s) and liquidity needs.


We are always on the other side of the phone so please reach out to discuss fees for our services. While our fees are competitive; they are not what the market will bear, but rather what is fair.

Bridging All Stages Of Life





We want to help you discover what is most important to you, financially and personally. We understand that everyone's needs are different, so our approach is to put you at the center of everything we do. We analyze all major aspects of your financial life such as your full range of financial needs, your investment timeline, income & liquidity needs, as well as your willingness to take risks.


call us

Step 1 - Getting Started

Contact us by phone or email and we'll conduct a telephone interview to determine if our firm can be helpful in meeting your needs. Our initial meeting is intended to get to know each other and collect data to begin the process.



Step 2 – Analysis

Before we are able to thoroughly understand your financial goals and aspirations, we first will take a holistic and comprehensive look into your current position financially, targeting your strengths and weaknesses and identifying areas of growth opportunity.

We will also analyze the effectiveness of your current portfolio, taking into account your cash flow needs, tolerance for risk, and your current portfolio composition.



Step 3 – Development

Based on our previous analysis, we will develop a long-term financial plan that will focus on taking you from your current financial state to where you want to be financially.



Step 4 - Implementation

The next step is to put your plan in action.



Step 5 – Monitoring

Your financial plan is evolving constantly, just like you. This is why it is important to keep in touch regularly.

We monitor your portfolio closely and provide you with transparent reporting. As the financial markets experience rises and falls, your portfolio will tend to fluctuate as well. Through an ongoing rebalancing, we will ensure that your portfolio maintains its target allocations. This helps to control the overall amount of risk and it minimizes the extent of emotional decision making.


Our aim is to collaborate with you to uncover what matters most in your personal and professional life and help you to create a plan that allows you to live the life you have always envisioned. We pride ourselves on building strong relationships, we do this by listening more, helping you understand more and we reach out more. 


We work with young professionals and families who are in the wealth accumulation stage of life. By working with a financial planner earlier, you are proactively positioning yourself to be better informed and potentially able to take advantage of greater opportunities. We can help you create the plan to navigate this period of your life and help you answer the questions you have about your finances. Contact us for more information.


We want to help as you progress in your current job, change jobs, or start your own business. With change comes opportunity, but also uncertainty…

  • How will my new career path impact my lifestyle?
  • How do I evaluate my employer’s benefits package?
  • Do I have the right investment strategy?


After working hard and saving, you are now focused on what the future holds. But you have some concerns…

  • Do I need to save more or work longer?
  • Should I change my investment strategy?
  • Have my insurance needs changed?
  • Should I pay off the mortgage?


You’ve put your full-time career behind you. Now the fun begins! But how much is all this fun going to cost you?

  • How much can I safely spend each year without running out of money?
  • What happens if I downsize and move to a different state?
  • How will health care costs impact my retirement?
  • When should I start collecting Social Security?

Tools & Resources 


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20405 Exchange Street, Suite 371
Ashburn, VA 20147



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